Contact us

Contact us about anything related to our company or services.

We'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Send us an Email

The quickest way to get to us

The quickest way to get in touch with us is via an email. When emailing, please give us as much detail about you and your dog as you can. This will make it much easier for us to help you quickly and guide you to the right options for you and your dog. The main things to include are:

- Where you are based
- Your dog's name, age, breed
- The issues you are having
- When did they start
- Are they getting worse

From there we can give you the most relevant options and information to move forward.

Send us an email


The Dog Treanor
54 Maple Toft Close
    Prosperous KE
+353 85 814 0001
Google Maps